Our staff is dedicated to truly making Eagle Bay Camp "a place where lives are changed", as we ensure that every person who serves at Eagle Bay Camp shares our passion to create an unforgettable experience for our campers. We instill the same ideal in our staff as we do in our Leadership Training Programs: leadership through service. Eagle Bay's staff is split into various categories such as cabin leaders, program staff, leadership staff, kitchen staff and administration. All of these positions are vital to helping camp run! If you're looking for more information about our hiring process, or you're interesting in joining our team, or, you're interested in volunteering with us, don't hesitate to check out our other staff pages or call our Vernon office!
~ Deadline for applications is March 15th ~
Step One: Fill out the application form
* Using the list at the bottom of this page, please indicate all staff positions you are applying for.
Step Two: Select two references and share with them the reference link and staff positions you are applying for.
Step Three: Fill out the medical and waiver form.
Applications will be processed once all references and waivers have been completed. We will be reaching out to around a time to connect with you and host an interview as a part of this process.